Support radical organising and political commentary
There's lots of amazing activism happening in Brissie, but in general, we don't have as many people producing locally-grounded radical political reporting, analysis and commentary as some cities do.
From election campaigns to front-line blockades to free food distributions, many of us are rushing from one thing to the next, without allowing much time or space for deeper reflection and to learn from each other's experiences.
A bunch of friends have told me that even though I'm no longer a Greens politician, you'd like to see me continue writing and producing online commentary about politics, local urban issues etc. as well as helping organise community events and activist projects.
All that obviously takes time though, so I'm hoping I can convince a few generous people to support me financially to do this. If I can get enough subscribers, I should be able to focus on writing and community organising almost full-time.
If you do decide to subscribe, you're not just supporting me to churn out a couple of opinion pieces per month (and to make sure this writing is available to people on lower incomes who can't afford to subscribe) – you're also supporting me to actually organise events and forums that bring people together face-to-face.
Hit the subscribe button below if you'd like to sign up for either a paid or free subscription.
All my work will be published on this website, and I’m also aiming to send out an email newsletter every 3 or 4 weeks with links to what I’ve written/recorded and updates on important local events/projects/actions.
If you don't want to sign up for a recurring subscription commitment and would just like to make a one-off financial contribution to support my work, you can also make a donation...
Thanks in advance for your support!
Here's a rundown of some other cool local stuff that's worth checking out:
- Brisbane Radical Events Diary is a weekly email newsletter about upcoming activist events
- The Radio Reversal Collective is producing a regular podcast about the local Justice for Palestine struggle
- The Let's Talk radio show on Brisbane's local Murri Radio Station AAA 98.9FM is consistently producing insightful First Nations commentary and analysis (all episodes are also available online)