Jonathan Sriranganathan

Jonathan Sriranganathan

Can Roadblocks Help Change the Political Climate?

Can Roadblocks Help Change the Political Climate?

Why disruptive civil disobedience is an essential tool in the struggle for climate justice
7 min read
Are Controversial Road Safety Protests Helpful?

Are Controversial Road Safety Protests Helpful?

The recent use of die-ins and other temporary blockades to raise concerns about pedestrian and cycling safety has raised legitimate
5 min read
How We Helped Stop an Eviction into Homelessness

How We Helped Stop an Eviction into Homelessness

Reflections and insights from our very first direct action to resist an eviction from a government-owned property in Highgate Hill
10 min read

To Fight Back Against Unsustainable Developments like the Queens Wharf Mega-Casino, We Must Occupy

If we're not willing to physically occupy sites and blockade gentrification projects that sell off public land and displace poorer residents, nothing else is going to stop them
4 min read